camt.056 ISO 20022 Message
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camt.056 ISO 20022 Message: Definition
camt.056 ISO 20022 Message stands for “Financial Institute To Financial Institute Payment Cancellation Request”.
camt.056 ISO 20022 Message: Scope
The camt.056 is the interbank format for recalling payments (pacs.008 ISO 20022 message) that have already been sent or (for SDD direct debits) to cancel them before they are executed. Depending on the service used (SCT, SDD, SCTInst or MX), different versions of the camt.056 can be used. We state the version of the camt.056 currently in use in each area.
In the case of credit transfers (SCT), a distinction must be made between recalls initiated by the account holder (customer) or by the client’s bank. This affects the possible deadlines, the content of the file and the return reason codes used.
Usage of camt.056 ISO 20022 Message
General information
The camt.056 is only used for communication between banks. If an account holder wishes to submit the recall of payments electronically, he must check with his bank whether it will be possible to send a camt.055. The bank then converts the camt.055 to camt.056 and forwards it to the recipient bank.
The camt.056 SCT must then be answered either positively (and the original amount returned with a pacs.004 ISO 20022 message) or negatively (with a camt.029.001.03 ISO 20022 message) by the recipient bank.
The sender bank then receives a pacs.004 (positive answer) or a camt.029.001.03 (negative answer) as an answer. Before this has not been done, the recall is considered incomplete.
SCT Interbank Recall of Credit Transfer– camt.056.001.01SCT
SCT Request for Recall by the Originator – camt.056.001.01SCT

camt.056 ISO 20022 Message SCT
This message is used in SEPA to recall individual credit transfers from the creditor bank.
According to the regulations, the recall can be initiated for up to ten business days after settlement for a “SCT Recall” and up to 13 months after settlement for a “Request for Recall by the Originator” initiated by the customer. However, these deadlines are not verified by the SEPA-Clearer.
The recall itself is not relevant to booking, but merely serves as an information to the bank of the payee, who is then obliged to actively respond to the camt.056.001.001SCT within 15 business days:
- Approval of the recall – a pacs.004 is sent back to the debtor bank and the money is credited back to the debtor
- Rejection of the recall – a camt.029.001.03 is sent back to the debtor bank. The money stays with the creditor
Payment Cancellation Request – camt.056.001.01SDD

camt.056 ISO 20022 Message SDD
This message is used to cancel individual direct debits – before settlement. It is sent from the payee’s bank to the payer’s bank. The message type is not part of the EPC specifications but is still supported for reasons of interoperability with other CSMs.
Since the recall can only be made before settlement, it is always relevant to booking. The payer’s bank will be debited with the equivalent value of the canceled original direct debit on the <Interbank Settlement Date>, but a reverse booking will be made in the same booking cycle. Accordingly, the sender of the original direct debit receives the debit for the cancellation (gross principle in each case) together with the credit of the original bulk.
Due to its nature as a cancellation message, there is no pacs.004.001.02 and no camt.029.001.03 as a positive or negative answer for the camt.056.001.01 in the SDD service – in contrast to the SCT service.
SCT Inst Recall – camt.056.001.08
SCT Inst Request for Recall by the Originator – camt.056.001.08

camt.056 ISO 20022 Message SCT Inst
For SEPA SCT Inst payments, the camt.056 is used as in SCT. It is important here that the camt.056 must be sent using the same transmission path as the original credit note. You cannot make an SCT Inst transfer and then send the camt.056 via “normal” SEPA.
Request for Cancelation – camt.056.001.09

camt.056 ISO 20022 Message MX
In November 2022, TARGET2 and, after a transition phase until 2025, also SWIFT will introduce the ISO 20022 XML format for payments.
The camt.056 is also used here to send a Request for Cancelation to a credit transfer (pacs.008 ISO 20022 message) that has been sent beforehand – however, the newer schema version camt.056.001.09 is used here. The camt.056 can only be used for one single original payment. Camt.056 bulk files are not intended.
An incoming camt.056 is therefore a request to cancel or reverse a previously received payment. An outgoing camt.056 is the request to cancel or reverse a previously sent payment.
In contrast to SEPA SCT, this request is always answered with a camt.029. This is used for both positive and a negative answers.
Specification sources